Discover an astonishingly powerful and innovative approach to secure the coveted #1 position on Google even in fiercely competitive niches, targeting the most lucrative keywords. It's a promise!
Dear Business Builder,
Are you ready to dominate the top spot on Google for your most valuable search terms?
If you're tired of outdated SEO strategies and want a guaranteed method to skyrocket your rankings, then you're in for a treat.
In today's fast-paced digital world, traditional SEO tactics just won't cut it anymore.
It's time to embrace a new approach that will propel your business to the forefront of search engine results.
Get ready to discover the secrets to securing that coveted #1 position on Google and leaving your competitors in the dust.
While it's true that Facebook and Instagram are essential advertising channels,
The undeniable truth is that the most lucrative, highest-converting traffic source on the planet originates from Google's organic (free) listings.
If your business doesn't appear on Google when potential customers search for your products or services, you might as well not exist.
Guess what?
SEO is staging a remarkable comeback!
If you've been solely relying on Facebook and Google Ads, brace yourself for some alarming statistics that will jolt you out of your comfort zone!


And it's not just Google.
The average CPC on Facebook has skyrocketed by 171% in the last 12 months alone.
And brace yourself, because it's projected to more than DOUBLE yet again this year!
But here's the kicker: things are only going to get tougher.
The cost to advertise on these platforms is on an upward spiral, with no end in sight.
Now, let's face it, maybe you've dabbled in SEO before and ended up getting burned by shady agencies promising the moon but delivering mere breadcrumbs.
Or perhaps, against the odds, they managed to land you on Google's first page, but for obscure keywords that hardly anyone searches for.
Think "Left-handed financial planners in New Jersey." cue an eye roll.
These are just a few of the tricks these unscrupulous operators pull to fleece you.
But fear not, because...
 If not now, then when??


Let's cut through the noise and get real here.
Most SEO agencies have got their priorities all mixed up.
They're too busy chasing rankings, sprinkling pixie glitter, and not nearly focused enough on what truly matters: revenue.
Sure, rankings and traffic are nice to have, like the cherry on top of the sundae.
But let me ask you this: can you pay your bills with rankings?
Can you buy that dream car with website traffic?
I don't think so.
Here's the cold, hard truth: the only metrics that count are the ones that translate into actual dollars in your bank account.
It's about the revenue and profit your website generates, plain and simple.
Forget the fluff and the fancy reports filled with technical jargon.
What matters is the bottom line.
So, while other agencies are busy patting themselves on the back for getting you to rank #1 on Google, we're focused on what really matters: making you money.
That's the Hapen Agency way—straight talk, real results, and a laser focus on your bottom line.


If that sounds like you, then you're essentially handing over your prime prospects – the ones actively seeking your offerings – to your competitors on a silver platter.
It's like waving a flag and saying, 'Hey, come and get it!'
And guess what?
You're playing right into Google's hands.
Their constant algorithm tweaks and updates are designed to keep you hooked on their paid advertising platforms.
But here's the kicker: even if you've dabbled in SEO before, there's a catch.
A big one.
The landscape has shifted so drastically that the old playbook is now a recipe for disaster.
Those outdated strategies you once relied on?
They're more likely to land your site in the penalty box than on the first page of search results in 2024.
So if you're still banking on churning out '10X content' and expecting miracles, think again.
That SEO guru you hired may have unwittingly turned your site into a ticking time bomb.
 If not now, then when??


Picture this: Your website, once bustling with traffic, now lies deserted, buried beneath the rubble of plummeting rankings.
The culprit?
Shady tactics are employed by 99% of SEO agencies, including the notorious Private Blog Networks (PBNs).
These PBNs are like hidden webs spun across the internet, devoid of any real value, existing solely to prop up client websites with backlinks.
It's a quick-fix solution, but one that's destined for disaster.
And here's the kicker:
Even if you confront an SEO agency about their PBN usage, they'll deny it faster than you can say 'Google penalty.
It's a dirty little secret they'd rather keep buried.
But make no mistake:
Google's crack team of engineers are on the case, ready to uncover these deceitful practices.
And when they do, your website's fate is sealed.
Imagine your site, flagged by Google's algorithms, consigned to the digital graveyard alongside countless others who dared to cheat the system.
Sure, these tactics may have worked in the past, but...
 If not now, then when??



Now more than ever, staying ahead of the curve is non-negotiable.
In 2024, you need to be at the forefront of the latest strategies to maintain your edge over the competition.
Without precise knowledge and execution, you risk being crushed by the relentless competition, leaving you scattered and defeated.
With our extensive experience across diverse industries and niches, we've tackled the most daunting challenges, ranking clients for fiercely competitive search terms.
We've navigated landscapes where every click carries a staggering price tag of $193.
From small local businesses to global giants, our journey has led to the development of a revolutionary approach that encompasses...
 If not now, then when??


Prepare to have your mind blown because what we're about to reveal goes against everything those traditional SEO companies and supposed 'experts' have ever told you.

And guess what?

We've got the proof to back it up!



Inside this FREE Report, you'll unlock the vault of powerful SEO trade secrets guaranteed to propel your website to the top of Google's organic rankings.
Here's a sneak peek of what awaits you:
  • Unveiling 3 hidden traps no SEO company dares to reveal, poised to detonate your business's success

  • Master the art of harnessing maximum free traffic from Google, skyrocketing your website's lead and sales generation effortlessly and ethically

  • Exposing the undercover "SEO trade secrets" other agencies are desperate to keep under wraps, from PBNs to cloaking and beyond

  • Amplify your website's conversion rate by an astonishing 500%, without spending a single additional penny on traffic!

  • Decode the truth: How to detect if your SEO agency is spinning a web of lies and secretly sabotaging your success

  • The ultimate game-changer: One simple tweak to your website that ensures it dominates even the most entrenched competitors on Google's search results

  • Crucial steps to safeguard your investment: What you MUST do before entrusting your website to an SEO agency to prevent them from incinerating your hard-earned cash
And that's just the beginning!
Don't miss out – claim your FREE copy of this report now by entering your details below and hitting the "send me my report" button.
Your ticket to explosive sales growth awaits!


We get it.
You've been through the SEO ringer—promises made, hopes dashed, and a wallet lighter than before.
But guess what?
We're not here to feed you more empty promises or excuses.
Instead, we're putting our money where our mouth is.
For a limited time, we're flipping the script and offering you a guarantee like no other: results or we don't get paid.
That's right, we're in this with you, skin-in-the-game and all.
And hey, we're not some fly-by-night operation.
We've been in the digital game for seven solid years—that's practically eons in internet time.
But enough about us.
Let's talk about results.
Our strategies?
Tried, tested, and proven to deliver.
And that's why, for a limited time, we're rolling out an offer you can't refuse...
 If not now, then when??


You heard it correctly...
We're throwing open our doors once again, and we've got an offer you won't want to miss.
If you're seeing this message, it means we still have a few spots left.
And for this month, we're extending a special invitation to businesses in the United States: a FREE 30-minute strategy session.
On this call, we'll lay out exactly what it takes to dominate Google search results for those high-value keywords and truly skyrocket your sales.
But hold on a minute.
This isn't your run-of-the-mill "strategy session" (wink, wink, sales pitch) with someone who couldn't tell an algorithm from an alligator.
And it's definitely not some high-pressure sales spiel disguised as helpful advice.
Interested in learning more about what's in store?
Click here.
But hurry, spots are filling up fast.
Secure yours now by clicking here.

If not now, then when??





Navigating the realm of SEO marketing agencies can be a daunting task, but it’s a critical one for your business’s success.

SEO, the cornerstone of online visibility, demands a nuanced approach that can propel your business to new heights or plunge it into obscurity.

A proficient SEO strategy can flood your website with eager visitors, transforming them into loyal customers. However, a misstep in SEO practices can lead to devastating consequences, potentially blacklisting your brand from major search engines like Google.

In your quest for a trustworthy SEO firm, diligent research is paramount. Look for a company with a proven track record of consistent results and ethical practices.

Our approach is not just about staying current; it’s about staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO marketing.

Our proprietary methods are unparalleled, designed to propel businesses of all sizes to the forefront of major search engines. We pride ourselves on being a premier SEO agency, renowned for our innovative solutions and tangible results.

But don’t just take our word for it – schedule a consultation today and experience the transformative power of our SEO expertise firsthand.

The price tag attached to SEO services is a puzzle with many pieces, each contributing to the overall picture.

Here’s what factors into the equation:

  1. Domain Authority: The strength of your domain plays a crucial role in determining SEO costs. A higher authority domain may require less intensive work, while a newer or less established domain may need more attention.

  2. Niche Competitiveness: The level of competition within your industry can influence SEO costs. Highly competitive niches often demand more resources to achieve desired results.

  3. Keyword Difficulty: Targeting specific keywords comes with its own challenges. The difficulty of the keywords you aim to rank for can impact the complexity and cost of your SEO strategy.

  4. Growth Goals: Your business’s growth aspirations also factor into SEO pricing. Whether you’re aiming for steady progress or rapid expansion can influence the scope and investment required.

Beware of SEO agencies that offer cookie-cutter pricing models. Your business is unique, and it deserves a tailored approach, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the importance of customization. We craft bespoke strategies for each client based on their individual needs and goals. Our pricing reflects the personalized attention and expertise we bring to every project, ensuring you get the results you deserve.

Curious about our SEO guarantees?

Here’s the scoop:

At Hapen Agency, we’re all about results.

That’s why we offer a bold promise: page one Google rankings within 90 days.

And here’s the kicker – if we don’t hit our target, you don’t pay a single dime until we do.

That’s right – no upfront costs, no hidden fees.

We’re so confident in our ability to deliver tangible results that we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

If we fall short of our promise, we’ll work for free until we achieve the desired outcome.

It’s our way of showing you that we’re fully committed to your success.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that we’ll go above and beyond to elevate your online presence and drive real, measurable results.

No Black Hat Tactics Here

At Hapen Agency, we take pride in our ethical approach to SEO.

Unlike some agencies that resort to shady tactics, we’ve built our reputation on delivering real, long-lasting results for our clients – without ever dabbling in black hat SEO.

Our track record speaks for itself.

We’ve helped countless businesses achieve success in the digital landscape, all while steering clear of any practices that could jeopardize their online presence.

In fact, we’ve never had a client receive a penalty from our SEO work.

Instead, we focus on implementing proven strategies that adhere to industry best practices, ensuring sustainable growth and visibility for your brand.

And if you’ve fallen victim to negative or black hat SEO in the past, fear not – we’re here to set things right and propel your business to new heights in the organic space.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that your SEO strategy is in good hands – free from any shady shortcuts or questionable tactics.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the critical role that backlinks play in boosting your website’s ranking.

However, we also know that not all backlinks are created equal.

While some agencies may tout arbitrary numbers of backlinks per month, we focus on delivering real results that are backed by tangible ranking guarantees.

Instead of playing the numbers game, we prioritize quality over quantity.

Our approach to link building revolves around acquiring high-quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable sources within your niche.

We create compelling, shareable content that adds value to your audience and leverages it to secure placements on some of the most powerful websites on the internet.

Our off-page strategy is designed to generate long-lasting results that propel your website to the top of search engine results pages, turning it into a formidable force in your industry.

And rest assured, we never resort to using Private Blog Networks (PBNs) – our tactics are always ethical, transparent, and geared towards sustainable growth.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that your link building strategy is in good hands, paving the way for enhanced visibility, authority, and success in the digital landscape.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the skepticism surrounding the effectiveness of SEO in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

However, let us set the record straight: SEO absolutely still works – but only when it’s done right.

It’s true that some individuals and businesses have been burned by partnering with agencies or experts who lack the necessary expertise and experience to deliver results.

These “specialists” may promise the world but ultimately fail to deliver, leaving their clients disillusioned and frustrated.

But here’s the thing: at Hapen Agency, we’re not your average SEO agency.

We don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions or one-size-fits-all approaches.

Instead, we work closely with our clients to develop customized SEO strategies tailored to their unique goals, challenges, and industry landscape.

With a team of seasoned SEO specialists boasting decades of collective experience, we’ve helped countless businesses – from local startups to global enterprises – achieve unparalleled success in the digital realm.

We don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk, consistently ranking our clients for some of the most competitive keywords in their respective industries.

And unlike other agencies that outsource their SEO work, we handle everything in-house, ensuring the highest quality standards and seamless execution every step of the way.

But don’t just take our word for it – our glowing testimonials and five-star reviews speak volumes about the results we deliver.

So if you’re still wondering whether SEO is worth investing in, the answer is a resounding yes – especially when you partner with Hapen Agency.

Get in touch with us today to unlock the full potential of SEO and take your digital presence to new heights.

At Hapen Agency, we recognize the importance of understanding the fundamental differences between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising.

While both are powerful tools for driving traffic and boosting online visibility, they operate on distinct principles and yield different results.

In PPC, you’re essentially entering an auction where you bid against your competitors for each click on your ads.

This means that the cost-per-click (CPC) can escalate rapidly, with the average CPC in Google Ads doubling approximately every 7 years. Additionally, PPC ads typically capture only a small fraction – between 5% to 20% – of the total clicks for any given search query.

On the other hand, organic search (SEO) focuses on optimizing your website to rank higher in the natural search results of search engines like Google.

Unlike PPC, SEO generates a majority of the clicks for relevant search queries, often accounting for 70% to 95% of total clicks.

Once your website achieves a high ranking through SEO efforts, it tends to maintain its position for an extended period, providing long-term visibility and traffic without ongoing advertising costs.

When comparing the two approaches, the long-term benefits of SEO far outweigh the short-term gains of PPC.

While PPC can deliver immediate results, it comes with ongoing costs and limited visibility.

In contrast, SEO offers sustainable growth, lasting visibility, and significant savings over time.

For businesses looking to thrive in the digital landscape and achieve sustained success, investing in SEO is essential.

By harnessing the power of organic search, you can position your brand for long-term growth and dominance in the competitive online arena.

At Hapen Agency, we believe in empowering businesses to make informed decisions about their digital presence.

When it comes to the question of whether your business should use SEO (Search Engine Optimization), the answer is a resounding yes – and here’s why.

First and foremost, SEO enables your business to be discovered by potential customers actively searching for products or services like yours.

By optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), you increase your visibility and attract valuable organic traffic.

But SEO isn’t just about visibility – it’s also about capturing market share and establishing your brand as a leader in your industry.

By consistently appearing at the top of search results for relevant queries, you can outshine your competitors and position your business as the go-to choice for consumers.

Furthermore, SEO has the power to elevate your brand from obscurity to household name status.

By leveraging strategic optimization tactics, you can enhance brand awareness, foster trust and credibility, and ultimately cultivate a loyal customer base.

In essence, investing in SEO is synonymous with investing in the growth and success of your business.

It’s about securing your rightful place in the digital marketplace, maximizing your revenue potential, and ultimately, reaping the rewards of your online presence.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your business and harness the power of SEO to drive growth and profitability, then the answer is clear: yes, your business should absolutely use SEO.

At Hapen Agency, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to SEO.

That’s why our approach to keyword optimization is completely customized to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client.

Rather than adhering to a rigid formula or predetermined quota, we prioritize quality over quantity.

Our goal is to target the specific keywords that will have the greatest impact on your business’s visibility, traffic, and ultimately, conversions.

So, how many keywords do we optimize for?

The answer is simple: as many as necessary to achieve meaningful results.

Whether you’re aiming to dominate your industry or carve out a niche market, we’ll tailor our keyword targeting strategy to align with your industry, market position, and objectives.

By focusing on the keywords that matter most to your business, we ensure that every optimization effort contributes to tangible outcomes and measurable success.

So, rest assured that when you partner with Hapen Agency, you’re getting a keyword optimization strategy that’s as unique as your business itself.

At Hapen Agency, we take a meticulous approach to choosing the right search terms for your business’s SEO strategy.

Our team of dedicated in-house SEO Specialists and Account Managers collaborate closely with our clients to identify the most lucrative opportunities for growth and success.

We start by gaining a deep understanding of your business goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. From there, we leverage our expertise to pinpoint search terms that align with your objectives and offer the highest potential for return on investment.

Our selection process is guided by several key factors, including:

  1. Your Business Focus: We prioritize search terms that reflect your core products, services, and areas of expertise. By targeting terms that resonate with your target audience, we ensure maximum relevance and engagement.

  2. Profit Margins: We identify search terms associated with products or services that yield the highest profit margins for your business. This strategic approach enables us to prioritize efforts where they will have the greatest impact on your bottom line.

  3. Growth Opportunities: We analyze market trends, industry dynamics, and emerging opportunities to identify search terms with significant growth potential. By staying ahead of the curve, we position your business for long-term success and profitability.

By leveraging our collaborative approach and industry-leading expertise, we empower your business to thrive in the competitive online landscape. With Hapen Agency by your side, you can trust that every search term selected is strategically chosen to drive measurable results and accelerate your path to success.

At Hapen Agency, ECommerce SEO is one of our core specialties.

Whether you’re a budding online store with ambitious aspirations or an established national or global brand seeking to optimize your digital presence, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of ECommerce SEO, propelling small family-owned businesses to become multi-million dollar success stories with thriving teams and exponential growth.

Our proven track record speaks for itself, as we’ve consistently delivered tangible results that exceed expectations.

When you partner with Hapen Agency, you gain access to a team of seasoned SEO experts who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the ECommerce landscape.

We don’t just focus on rankings; we’re dedicated to driving meaningful growth and revenue for your online store.

Whether you’re aiming to dominate local markets or expand your reach on a national or global scale, we tailor our ECommerce SEO strategies to align with your specific goals and objectives.

From optimizing product pages and enhancing user experience to crafting compelling content and implementing advanced technical SEO tactics, we deploy a comprehensive approach to maximize your online visibility and drive sales.

Say goodbye to amateur “SEO Specialists” and hello to professional expertise that delivers measurable results.

With Hapen Agency as your trusted partner, you can confidently navigate the complexities of ECommerce SEO and unlock the full potential of your online store.

At Hapen Agency, we understand that every website is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO.

While we can’t provide a definitive answer without analyzing your specific situation, it’s highly likely that some changes will be needed to optimize your website for search engines.

You might be wondering, “What kind of changes?”,

Well, that depends on various factors such as your current website structure, content management system (CMS), coding practices, and more.

Our experienced team at Hapen Agency is well-equipped to handle any necessary modifications, regardless of your website’s platform or complexity.

Whether you’re running a WordPress blog, an ECommerce store on Shopify or on Woo , we have the expertise to implement the changes needed to enhance your site’s SEO performance.

We’ve successfully worked on thousands of websites across different platforms, and we’re committed to delivering tailored solutions that align with your business objectives.

Rest assured, we’ll work closely with you throughout the process, keeping you informed and involved every step of the way.

With Hapen Agency by your side, you can navigate SEO changes with confidence, knowing that your website is in capable hands.

At Hapen Agency, we’re committed to shooting straight and providing honest solutions to your SEO challenges.

When it comes to recovering from Google penalties, we’ve got you covered.

While we can’t guarantee success in every case, we’ve successfully helped numerous clients overcome penalties and restore their online presence.

Our approach involves aggressive management of your backlink profile, combating negative SEO attacks, and addressing any on-page SEO issues that may have contributed to the penalty.

Over the years, we’ve encountered various scenarios, from clients facing hacked websites to those dealing with shady SEO practices.

In many cases, our strategic interventions have led to successful penalty recovery and a return to good standing with Google.

However, we’re also realistic about the limitations. In some instances where the penalty has caused serious domain issues, timely intervention may not be possible.

In such cases, we’re equipped to assist you in rebuilding your online presence with a new domain and website, ensuring that your business can bounce back stronger than ever.

With Hapen Agency in your corner, you can trust that we’ll do everything in our power to help you recover from Google penalties and get back on track toward online success.

At Hapen Agency, we’re dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of SEO and driving tangible results for our clients.

But what exactly does an SEO agency like ours do?

Our mission revolves around elevating our clients’ organic search rankings in relevant search results.

We achieve this by delving deep into their industry and website, meticulously analyzing every aspect to craft a bespoke SEO strategy that delivers real outcomes.

When it comes to SEO, we leave no stone unturned. Our approach encompasses three key categories:

  1. On-Page SEO: We optimize your website’s content, structure, and HTML elements to ensure they’re finely tuned for search engine visibility. From crafting compelling meta tags to refining keyword placement, we lay the foundation for your online success.

  2. Off-Page SEO: Beyond your website, we strategically build your online presence through high-quality backlinks, social media engagement, and content marketing. By fostering valuable connections and earning endorsements from reputable sources, we bolster your authority in the digital landscape.

  3. Technical SEO: Under the hood, we fine-tune the technical aspects of your website to enhance its performance and accessibility to search engines. From optimizing site speed and mobile responsiveness to addressing crawlability issues, we ensure that your website is primed for maximum visibility and user experience.

In essence, we’re your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of SEO, guiding you toward greater visibility, traffic, and business success.

With Hapen Agency at your side, you can rest assured that your online presence is in expert hands.




Discover an astonishingly powerful and innovative approach to secure the coveted #1 position on Google even in fiercely competitive niches, targeting the most lucrative keywords. It's a promise!
Dear Business Builder,
Are you ready to dominate the top spot on Google for your most valuable search terms?
If you're tired of outdated SEO strategies and want a guaranteed method to skyrocket your rankings, then you're in for a treat.
In today's fast-paced digital world, traditional SEO tactics just won't cut it anymore.
It's time to embrace a new approach that will propel your business to the forefront of search engine results.
Get ready to discover the secrets to securing that coveted #1 position on Google and leaving your competitors in the dust.
While it's true that Facebook and Instagram are essential advertising channels,
The undeniable truth is that the most lucrative, highest-converting traffic source on the planet originates from Google's organic (free) listings.
If your business doesn't appear on Google when potential customers search for your products or services, you might as well not exist.
Guess what?
SEO is staging a remarkable comeback!
If you've been solely relying on Facebook and Google Ads, brace yourself for some alarming statistics that will jolt you out of your comfort zone!


And it's not just Google.
The average CPC on Facebook has skyrocketed by 171% in the last 12 months alone.
And brace yourself, because it's projected to more than DOUBLE yet again this year!
But here's the kicker: things are only going to get tougher.
The cost to advertise on these platforms is on an upward spiral, with no end in sight.
Now, let's face it, maybe you've dabbled in SEO before and ended up getting burned by shady agencies promising the moon but delivering mere breadcrumbs.
Or perhaps, against the odds, they managed to land you on Google's first page, but for obscure keywords that hardly anyone searches for.
Think "Left-handed financial planners in New Jersey." cue an eye roll.
These are just a few of the tricks these unscrupulous operators pull to fleece you.
But fear not, because...
 If not now, then when??


Let's cut through the noise and get real here.
Most SEO agencies have got their priorities all mixed up.
They're too busy chasing rankings, sprinkling pixie glitter, and not nearly focused enough on what truly matters: revenue.
Sure, rankings and traffic are nice to have, like the cherry on top of the sundae.
But let me ask you this: can you pay your bills with rankings?
Can you buy that dream car with website traffic?
I don't think so.
Here's the cold, hard truth: the only metrics that count are the ones that translate into actual dollars in your bank account.
It's about the revenue and profit your website generates, plain and simple.
Forget the fluff and the fancy reports filled with technical jargon.
What matters is the bottom line.
So, while other agencies are busy patting themselves on the back for getting you to rank #1 on Google, we're focused on what really matters: making you money.
That's the Hapen Agency way—straight talk, real results, and a laser focus on your bottom line.


If that sounds like you, then you're essentially handing over your prime prospects – the ones actively seeking your offerings – to your competitors on a silver platter.
It's like waving a flag and saying, 'Hey, come and get it!'
And guess what?
You're playing right into Google's hands.
Their constant algorithm tweaks and updates are designed to keep you hooked on their paid advertising platforms.
But here's the kicker: even if you've dabbled in SEO before, there's a catch.
A big one.
The landscape has shifted so drastically that the old playbook is now a recipe for disaster.
Those outdated strategies you once relied on?
They're more likely to land your site in the penalty box than on the first page of search results in 2024.
So if you're still banking on churning out '10X content' and expecting miracles, think again.
That SEO guru you hired may have unwittingly turned your site into a ticking time bomb.
 If not now, then when??


Picture this: Your website, once bustling with traffic, now lies deserted, buried beneath the rubble of plummeting rankings.
The culprit?
Shady tactics are employed by 99% of SEO agencies, including the notorious Private Blog Networks (PBNs).
These PBNs are like hidden webs spun across the internet, devoid of any real value, existing solely to prop up client websites with backlinks.
It's a quick-fix solution, but one that's destined for disaster.
And here's the kicker:
Even if you confront an SEO agency about their PBN usage, they'll deny it faster than you can say 'Google penalty.
It's a dirty little secret they'd rather keep buried.
But make no mistake:
Google's crack team of engineers are on the case, ready to uncover these deceitful practices.
And when they do, your website's fate is sealed.
Imagine your site, flagged by Google's algorithms, consigned to the digital graveyard alongside countless others who dared to cheat the system.
Sure, these tactics may have worked in the past, but...
 If not now, then when??



Now more than ever, staying ahead of the curve is non-negotiable.
In 2024, you need to be at the forefront of the latest strategies to maintain your edge over the competition.
Without precise knowledge and execution, you risk being crushed by the relentless competition, leaving you scattered and defeated.
With our extensive experience across diverse industries and niches, we've tackled the most daunting challenges, ranking clients for fiercely competitive search terms.
We've navigated landscapes where every click carries a staggering price tag of $193.
From small local businesses to global giants, our journey has led to the development of a revolutionary approach that encompasses...
 If not now, then when??


Prepare to have your mind blown because what we're about to reveal goes against everything those traditional SEO companies and supposed 'experts' have ever told you.

And guess what?

We've got the proof to back it up!



Inside this FREE Report, you'll unlock the vault of powerful SEO trade secrets guaranteed to propel your website to the top of Google's organic rankings.
Here's a sneak peek of what awaits you:
  • Unveiling 3 hidden traps no SEO company dares to reveal, poised to detonate your business's success

  • Master the art of harnessing maximum free traffic from Google, skyrocketing your website's lead and sales generation effortlessly and ethically

  • Exposing the undercover "SEO trade secrets" other agencies are desperate to keep under wraps, from PBNs to cloaking and beyond

  • Amplify your website's conversion rate by an astonishing 500%, without spending a single additional penny on traffic!

  • Decode the truth: How to detect if your SEO agency is spinning a web of lies and secretly sabotaging your success

  • The ultimate game-changer: One simple tweak to your website that ensures it dominates even the most entrenched competitors on Google's search results

  • Crucial steps to safeguard your investment: What you MUST do before entrusting your website to an SEO agency to prevent them from incinerating your hard-earned cash
And that's just the beginning!
Don't miss out – claim your FREE copy of this report now by entering your details below and hitting the "send me my report" button.
Your ticket to explosive sales growth awaits!


We get it.
You've been through the SEO ringer—promises made, hopes dashed, and a wallet lighter than before.
But guess what?
We're not here to feed you more empty promises or excuses.
Instead, we're putting our money where our mouth is.
For a limited time, we're flipping the script and offering you a guarantee like no other: results or we don't get paid.
That's right, we're in this with you, skin-in-the-game and all.
And hey, we're not some fly-by-night operation.
We've been in the digital game for seven solid years—that's practically eons in internet time.
But enough about us.
Let's talk about results.
Our strategies?
Tried, tested, and proven to deliver.
And that's why, for a limited time, we're rolling out an offer you can't refuse...
 If not now, then when??


You heard it correctly...
We're throwing open our doors once again, and we've got an offer you won't want to miss.
If you're seeing this message, it means we still have a few spots left.
And for this month, we're extending a special invitation to businesses in the United States: a FREE 30-minute strategy session.
On this call, we'll lay out exactly what it takes to dominate Google search results for those high-value keywords and truly skyrocket your sales.
But hold on a minute.
This isn't your run-of-the-mill "strategy session" (wink, wink, sales pitch) with someone who couldn't tell an algorithm from an alligator.
And it's definitely not some high-pressure sales spiel disguised as helpful advice.
Interested in learning more about what's in store?
Click here.
But hurry, spots are filling up fast.
Secure yours now by clicking here.

If not now, then when??





Navigating the realm of SEO marketing agencies can be a daunting task, but it’s a critical one for your business’s success.

SEO, the cornerstone of online visibility, demands a nuanced approach that can propel your business to new heights or plunge it into obscurity.

A proficient SEO strategy can flood your website with eager visitors, transforming them into loyal customers. However, a misstep in SEO practices can lead to devastating consequences, potentially blacklisting your brand from major search engines like Google.

In your quest for a trustworthy SEO firm, diligent research is paramount. Look for a company with a proven track record of consistent results and ethical practices.

Our approach is not just about staying current; it’s about staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO marketing.

Our proprietary methods are unparalleled, designed to propel businesses of all sizes to the forefront of major search engines. We pride ourselves on being a premier SEO agency, renowned for our innovative solutions and tangible results.

But don’t just take our word for it – schedule a consultation today and experience the transformative power of our SEO expertise firsthand.

The price tag attached to SEO services is a puzzle with many pieces, each contributing to the overall picture.

Here’s what factors into the equation:

  1. Domain Authority: The strength of your domain plays a crucial role in determining SEO costs. A higher authority domain may require less intensive work, while a newer or less established domain may need more attention.

  2. Niche Competitiveness: The level of competition within your industry can influence SEO costs. Highly competitive niches often demand more resources to achieve desired results.

  3. Keyword Difficulty: Targeting specific keywords comes with its own challenges. The difficulty of the keywords you aim to rank for can impact the complexity and cost of your SEO strategy.

  4. Growth Goals: Your business’s growth aspirations also factor into SEO pricing. Whether you’re aiming for steady progress or rapid expansion can influence the scope and investment required.

Beware of SEO agencies that offer cookie-cutter pricing models. Your business is unique, and it deserves a tailored approach, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the importance of customization. We craft bespoke strategies for each client based on their individual needs and goals. Our pricing reflects the personalized attention and expertise we bring to every project, ensuring you get the results you deserve.

Curious about our SEO guarantees?

Here’s the scoop:

At Hapen Agency, we’re all about results.

That’s why we offer a bold promise: page one Google rankings within 90 days.

And here’s the kicker – if we don’t hit our target, you don’t pay a single dime until we do.

That’s right – no upfront costs, no hidden fees.

We’re so confident in our ability to deliver tangible results that we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

If we fall short of our promise, we’ll work for free until we achieve the desired outcome.

It’s our way of showing you that we’re fully committed to your success.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that we’ll go above and beyond to elevate your online presence and drive real, measurable results.

No Black Hat Tactics Here

At Hapen Agency, we take pride in our ethical approach to SEO.

Unlike some agencies that resort to shady tactics, we’ve built our reputation on delivering real, long-lasting results for our clients – without ever dabbling in black hat SEO.

Our track record speaks for itself.

We’ve helped countless businesses achieve success in the digital landscape, all while steering clear of any practices that could jeopardize their online presence.

In fact, we’ve never had a client receive a penalty from our SEO work.

Instead, we focus on implementing proven strategies that adhere to industry best practices, ensuring sustainable growth and visibility for your brand.

And if you’ve fallen victim to negative or black hat SEO in the past, fear not – we’re here to set things right and propel your business to new heights in the organic space.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that your SEO strategy is in good hands – free from any shady shortcuts or questionable tactics.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the critical role that backlinks play in boosting your website’s ranking.

However, we also know that not all backlinks are created equal.

While some agencies may tout arbitrary numbers of backlinks per month, we focus on delivering real results that are backed by tangible ranking guarantees.

Instead of playing the numbers game, we prioritize quality over quantity.

Our approach to link building revolves around acquiring high-quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable sources within your niche.

We create compelling, shareable content that adds value to your audience and leverages it to secure placements on some of the most powerful websites on the internet.

Our off-page strategy is designed to generate long-lasting results that propel your website to the top of search engine results pages, turning it into a formidable force in your industry.

And rest assured, we never resort to using Private Blog Networks (PBNs) – our tactics are always ethical, transparent, and geared towards sustainable growth.

With Hapen Agency, you can trust that your link building strategy is in good hands, paving the way for enhanced visibility, authority, and success in the digital landscape.

At Hapen Agency, we understand the skepticism surrounding the effectiveness of SEO in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

However, let us set the record straight: SEO absolutely still works – but only when it’s done right.

It’s true that some individuals and businesses have been burned by partnering with agencies or experts who lack the necessary expertise and experience to deliver results.

These “specialists” may promise the world but ultimately fail to deliver, leaving their clients disillusioned and frustrated.

But here’s the thing: at Hapen Agency, we’re not your average SEO agency.

We don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions or one-size-fits-all approaches.

Instead, we work closely with our clients to develop customized SEO strategies tailored to their unique goals, challenges, and industry landscape.

With a team of seasoned SEO specialists boasting decades of collective experience, we’ve helped countless businesses – from local startups to global enterprises – achieve unparalleled success in the digital realm.

We don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk, consistently ranking our clients for some of the most competitive keywords in their respective industries.

And unlike other agencies that outsource their SEO work, we handle everything in-house, ensuring the highest quality standards and seamless execution every step of the way.

But don’t just take our word for it – our glowing testimonials and five-star reviews speak volumes about the results we deliver.

So if you’re still wondering whether SEO is worth investing in, the answer is a resounding yes – especially when you partner with Hapen Agency.

Get in touch with us today to unlock the full potential of SEO and take your digital presence to new heights.

At Hapen Agency, we recognize the importance of understanding the fundamental differences between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising.

While both are powerful tools for driving traffic and boosting online visibility, they operate on distinct principles and yield different results.

In PPC, you’re essentially entering an auction where you bid against your competitors for each click on your ads.

This means that the cost-per-click (CPC) can escalate rapidly, with the average CPC in Google Ads doubling approximately every 7 years. Additionally, PPC ads typically capture only a small fraction – between 5% to 20% – of the total clicks for any given search query.

On the other hand, organic search (SEO) focuses on optimizing your website to rank higher in the natural search results of search engines like Google.

Unlike PPC, SEO generates a majority of the clicks for relevant search queries, often accounting for 70% to 95% of total clicks.

Once your website achieves a high ranking through SEO efforts, it tends to maintain its position for an extended period, providing long-term visibility and traffic without ongoing advertising costs.

When comparing the two approaches, the long-term benefits of SEO far outweigh the short-term gains of PPC.

While PPC can deliver immediate results, it comes with ongoing costs and limited visibility.

In contrast, SEO offers sustainable growth, lasting visibility, and significant savings over time.

For businesses looking to thrive in the digital landscape and achieve sustained success, investing in SEO is essential.

By harnessing the power of organic search, you can position your brand for long-term growth and dominance in the competitive online arena.

At Hapen Agency, we believe in empowering businesses to make informed decisions about their digital presence.

When it comes to the question of whether your business should use SEO (Search Engine Optimization), the answer is a resounding yes – and here’s why.

First and foremost, SEO enables your business to be discovered by potential customers actively searching for products or services like yours.

By optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), you increase your visibility and attract valuable organic traffic.

But SEO isn’t just about visibility – it’s also about capturing market share and establishing your brand as a leader in your industry.

By consistently appearing at the top of search results for relevant queries, you can outshine your competitors and position your business as the go-to choice for consumers.

Furthermore, SEO has the power to elevate your brand from obscurity to household name status.

By leveraging strategic optimization tactics, you can enhance brand awareness, foster trust and credibility, and ultimately cultivate a loyal customer base.

In essence, investing in SEO is synonymous with investing in the growth and success of your business.

It’s about securing your rightful place in the digital marketplace, maximizing your revenue potential, and ultimately, reaping the rewards of your online presence.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your business and harness the power of SEO to drive growth and profitability, then the answer is clear: yes, your business should absolutely use SEO.

At Hapen Agency, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to SEO.

That’s why our approach to keyword optimization is completely customized to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client.

Rather than adhering to a rigid formula or predetermined quota, we prioritize quality over quantity.

Our goal is to target the specific keywords that will have the greatest impact on your business’s visibility, traffic, and ultimately, conversions.

So, how many keywords do we optimize for?

The answer is simple: as many as necessary to achieve meaningful results.

Whether you’re aiming to dominate your industry or carve out a niche market, we’ll tailor our keyword targeting strategy to align with your industry, market position, and objectives.

By focusing on the keywords that matter most to your business, we ensure that every optimization effort contributes to tangible outcomes and measurable success.

So, rest assured that when you partner with Hapen Agency, you’re getting a keyword optimization strategy that’s as unique as your business itself.

At Hapen Agency, we take a meticulous approach to choosing the right search terms for your business’s SEO strategy.

Our team of dedicated in-house SEO Specialists and Account Managers collaborate closely with our clients to identify the most lucrative opportunities for growth and success.

We start by gaining a deep understanding of your business goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. From there, we leverage our expertise to pinpoint search terms that align with your objectives and offer the highest potential for return on investment.

Our selection process is guided by several key factors, including:

  1. Your Business Focus: We prioritize search terms that reflect your core products, services, and areas of expertise. By targeting terms that resonate with your target audience, we ensure maximum relevance and engagement.

  2. Profit Margins: We identify search terms associated with products or services that yield the highest profit margins for your business. This strategic approach enables us to prioritize efforts where they will have the greatest impact on your bottom line.

  3. Growth Opportunities: We analyze market trends, industry dynamics, and emerging opportunities to identify search terms with significant growth potential. By staying ahead of the curve, we position your business for long-term success and profitability.

By leveraging our collaborative approach and industry-leading expertise, we empower your business to thrive in the competitive online landscape. With Hapen Agency by your side, you can trust that every search term selected is strategically chosen to drive measurable results and accelerate your path to success.

At Hapen Agency, ECommerce SEO is one of our core specialties.

Whether you’re a budding online store with ambitious aspirations or an established national or global brand seeking to optimize your digital presence, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of ECommerce SEO, propelling small family-owned businesses to become multi-million dollar success stories with thriving teams and exponential growth.

Our proven track record speaks for itself, as we’ve consistently delivered tangible results that exceed expectations.

When you partner with Hapen Agency, you gain access to a team of seasoned SEO experts who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the ECommerce landscape.

We don’t just focus on rankings; we’re dedicated to driving meaningful growth and revenue for your online store.

Whether you’re aiming to dominate local markets or expand your reach on a national or global scale, we tailor our ECommerce SEO strategies to align with your specific goals and objectives.

From optimizing product pages and enhancing user experience to crafting compelling content and implementing advanced technical SEO tactics, we deploy a comprehensive approach to maximize your online visibility and drive sales.

Say goodbye to amateur “SEO Specialists” and hello to professional expertise that delivers measurable results.

With Hapen Agency as your trusted partner, you can confidently navigate the complexities of ECommerce SEO and unlock the full potential of your online store.

At Hapen Agency, we understand that every website is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO.

While we can’t provide a definitive answer without analyzing your specific situation, it’s highly likely that some changes will be needed to optimize your website for search engines.

You might be wondering, “What kind of changes?”,

Well, that depends on various factors such as your current website structure, content management system (CMS), coding practices, and more.

Our experienced team at Hapen Agency is well-equipped to handle any necessary modifications, regardless of your website’s platform or complexity.

Whether you’re running a WordPress blog, an ECommerce store on Shopify or on Woo , we have the expertise to implement the changes needed to enhance your site’s SEO performance.

We’ve successfully worked on thousands of websites across different platforms, and we’re committed to delivering tailored solutions that align with your business objectives.

Rest assured, we’ll work closely with you throughout the process, keeping you informed and involved every step of the way.

With Hapen Agency by your side, you can navigate SEO changes with confidence, knowing that your website is in capable hands.

At Hapen Agency, we’re committed to shooting straight and providing honest solutions to your SEO challenges.

When it comes to recovering from Google penalties, we’ve got you covered.

While we can’t guarantee success in every case, we’ve successfully helped numerous clients overcome penalties and restore their online presence.

Our approach involves aggressive management of your backlink profile, combating negative SEO attacks, and addressing any on-page SEO issues that may have contributed to the penalty.

Over the years, we’ve encountered various scenarios, from clients facing hacked websites to those dealing with shady SEO practices.

In many cases, our strategic interventions have led to successful penalty recovery and a return to good standing with Google.

However, we’re also realistic about the limitations. In some instances where the penalty has caused serious domain issues, timely intervention may not be possible.

In such cases, we’re equipped to assist you in rebuilding your online presence with a new domain and website, ensuring that your business can bounce back stronger than ever.

With Hapen Agency in your corner, you can trust that we’ll do everything in our power to help you recover from Google penalties and get back on track toward online success.

At Hapen Agency, we’re dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of SEO and driving tangible results for our clients.

But what exactly does an SEO agency like ours do?

Our mission revolves around elevating our clients’ organic search rankings in relevant search results.

We achieve this by delving deep into their industry and website, meticulously analyzing every aspect to craft a bespoke SEO strategy that delivers real outcomes.

When it comes to SEO, we leave no stone unturned. Our approach encompasses three key categories:

  1. On-Page SEO: We optimize your website’s content, structure, and HTML elements to ensure they’re finely tuned for search engine visibility. From crafting compelling meta tags to refining keyword placement, we lay the foundation for your online success.

  2. Off-Page SEO: Beyond your website, we strategically build your online presence through high-quality backlinks, social media engagement, and content marketing. By fostering valuable connections and earning endorsements from reputable sources, we bolster your authority in the digital landscape.

  3. Technical SEO: Under the hood, we fine-tune the technical aspects of your website to enhance its performance and accessibility to search engines. From optimizing site speed and mobile responsiveness to addressing crawlability issues, we ensure that your website is primed for maximum visibility and user experience.

In essence, we’re your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of SEO, guiding you toward greater visibility, traffic, and business success.

With Hapen Agency at your side, you can rest assured that your online presence is in expert hands.



This FREE Report reveals the most powerful trade secrets for boosting your organic rankings and opening the floodgates to organic traffic.